Volo Della PAN Ad Aviano - 2023 - Frecce Tricolori Exercise Flight Over Aviano Air BaseCome ogni anno, prima di iniziare il programma di esibizioni e sorvoli in calendario e quest'anno che ricorre il centenario dell'Aeronautica Militare di eventi ce ne saranno tanti, le Frecce Tricolori eseguono un volo di addestramento "fuori Sede" sull'Aeroporto "Pagliano e Gori" di Aviano.Anche quest'anno in Base è stato anche organizzato un midi "Open Day" con un F-16C del 555th Fighter Squadron "Triple Nickel", un HH-60G del 56th Rescue Squadron ed alcuni mezzi dell'Aeroporto in mostra statica, oltre alla partecipazione di tre aeroplani storici della Fondazione Jonathan.Like every year, before starting the program of exhibitions and overflights on the calendar and this year which marks the centenary of the Aeronautica Militare there will be many events, the Frecce Tricolori perform an "off-site" training flight on the Airport " Pagliano and Gori" of Aviano.
Also this year a midi "Open Day" was also organized at the Base with an F-16C of the 555th Fighter Squadron "Triple Nickel", an HH-60G of the 56th Rescue Squadron and some vehicles of the Airport on static display , as well as the participation of three historic airplanes of the Jonathan Foundation.
Also this year a midi "Open Day" was also organized at the Base with an F-16C of the 555th Fighter Squadron "Triple Nickel", an HH-60G of the 56th Rescue Squadron and some vehicles of the Airport on static display , as well as the participation of three historic airplanes of the Jonathan Foundation.