Il "Triple Nickel" rientra dalla Siria - 2015 - "Triple Nickel" come back home from Siria
Martedì 3 novembre 2015, l’ultima flight di F-16C Fighting Falcon del 555th Fighter Squadron completa il rientro ad Aviano AB di un rischieramento durato 6 mesi a supporto dell’Operazione New Dawn. Ad accogliere i piloti del Triple Nickel che “Ritornano con Onore” ci sono familiari ed amici. BENTORNATI A CASA !
Aviano AB Aviation Friends Group.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015, the last F-16Cs flight of the 555th Fighter Squadron ends returning at Aviano AB of a six months deployment in support Operation New Dawn. To welcome the “Triple Nickel” pilots, who are “Return with Honor”, there are families and friends. WELCOME BACK HOME! Aviano AB Aviation Friends Group
Martedì 3 novembre 2015, l’ultima flight di F-16C Fighting Falcon del 555th Fighter Squadron completa il rientro ad Aviano AB di un rischieramento durato 6 mesi a supporto dell’Operazione New Dawn. Ad accogliere i piloti del Triple Nickel che “Ritornano con Onore” ci sono familiari ed amici. BENTORNATI A CASA !
Aviano AB Aviation Friends Group.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015, the last F-16Cs flight of the 555th Fighter Squadron ends returning at Aviano AB of a six months deployment in support Operation New Dawn. To welcome the “Triple Nickel” pilots, who are “Return with Honor”, there are families and friends. WELCOME BACK HOME!
Aviano AB Aviation Friends Group.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015, the last F-16Cs flight of the 555th Fighter Squadron ends returning at Aviano AB of a six months deployment in support Operation New Dawn. To welcome the “Triple Nickel” pilots, who are “Return with Honor”, there are families and friends. WELCOME BACK HOME!
Aviano AB Aviation Friends Group