Cambio Comando al 555th Fighter Squadron - 2018Change of Command at 555th Fighter Squadron
La Cerimonia di Cambio di Comando al 555th Fighter Squadron ha avuto luogo presso l’hangar 1 della base aerea di Aviano, venerdì 8 giugno 2018. Il Tenente Colonnello Vincent J. O’Connor ha rimesso il commando dello squadrone al Colonnello Richard J. Nelson Jr., Comandante del 31st Operations Group, e il Tenente Colonnello Beau E. Diers ha assunto il commando del “Triple Nickel” dal proprio diretto superiore, Colonnello Nelson. Prima di questo incarico, il Tenente Colonnello Diers ricopriva la funzione di Direttore alle Operazioni del 510th Fighter Squadron “Buzzards”, l’altro gruppo di volo su F-16 del 31st Fighter Wing. I precedenti incarichi ricoperti dal Tenente Colonnello Diers includono: Legislative Fellow in the United States Senate, USAF Weapons School Instructor pilot, Chief of Wing Standardization and Evaluation, Flight Commander, F-16 Flight Examiner, ed entrambe le funzioni squadron and deployed Wing Weapons Officer. Il Tenente Colonnello Diers è pilota senior con più di 2750 ore di volo in velivoli T-37, T-38, AT-38 e F-16, che comprendono anche 1050 ore in combattimento a supporto delle Operazioni IRAQI FREEDOM, ENDURING FREEDOM e UNIFIED PROTECTOR, svolgendo attività di Close Air Support, Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, Defensive and Offensive Counter Air missions.
Renzo Del Bianco
Foto di Valter Marchetti / AAFG
The 555th Fighter Squadron Change of Command Ceremony took place at hangar 1 in Aviano AB, Friday June 8, 2018. Lieutenant Colonel Vincent J. O’Connor relinquished command to Colonel Richard J. Nelson Jr., 31st Operations Group Commander , and Lieutenant Colonel Beau E. Diers assumed command of the “Triple Nickel” unit from Colonel Nelson. Before this command, Lieutenant Colonel Diers served as 510th Fighter Squadron’s Director of Operations. His passed assignment include Legislative Fellow in the United States Senate, USAF Weapons School Instructor pilot, Chief of Wing Standardization and Evaluation, Flight Commander, F-16 Flight Examiner, and both a squadron and deployed Wing Weapons Officer. Lieutenant Colonel Diers is Senior Pilot with more than 2,750 flying hours in the T-37, T-38, AT-38 and F-16 aircraft, including 1,050 combat hours in support of Operations IRAQI FREEDOM, ENDURING FREEDOM and UNIFIED PROTECTOR, executing Close Air Support, Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, Defensive and Offensive Counter Air missions.
Renzo Del Bianco
Photos by Valter Marchetti / AAFG