555th Fighter Squadron Change of Command
10 June 2022 Aviano Air Base
In the big hangar 1, under a giant American flag, the 555th Fighter Squadron Change of Command Ceremony took place Friday 10th June 2022 at Aviano Air Base, where Lieutenant Colonel John D. Ryan has relinquished Command to Colonel Kevin M. Crofton, 31st Operations Group Commander, and Lieutenant Colonel Rolf D. Tellefsen has assumed Command of 555th Fighter Squadron Unit.
All'interno del grande hangar 1, alla Base di Aviano, sotto una gigantesca bandiera a stelle e strisce, venerdì 10 giugno 2022 si è celebrato il Cambio di Comando al 555th Fighter Squadron, del 31st Fighter Wing. Il Tenente Colonnello John D. Ryan ha ceduto il Comando al Colonnello Kevin M. Crofton, Comandante del 31st Operations Group, il quale lo ha poi passato al Tenente Colonnello Rolf D. Tellefsen, nuovo Comandante del 555th Fighter Squadron.
Adriano Marzotto (AAFG)
L'Aviano AB Aviation Friends Group ha avuto l'opportunità di presenziare alla cerimonia, un grande ringraziamento alla sig.ra Angela Zammattio del 31st Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office, per averlo reso possibile.
Colonel Kevin M. Crofton
Fighter Squadron Commander, F-16 instructor pilot, flight examiner, weapons officer and TOPGUN instructor, he has flown combat missions in support of operations in Iraq and Syria.
The 31st Operations Group consists of seven squadrons that continually support operations and exercises across three Combatant Commands. The wide-ranging operational capabilities are brought by Airmen from the 31st Operations Support Squadron, 56th and 57th Rescue Squadron, 510th and 555th Fighter Squadrons and the 606th Air Control Squadron.
Source: 555th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Wing
Lieutenant Colonel John D. Ryan
Command Pilot with more than 2900 hours in the F-16C/D, T-6A, T-37B and T-38C, He has flown operationally in support of Operations NEW DAWN, NOBLE EAGLE and ATLAS GUARDIAN.
History Of The Change Of Command Ceremony
The Change of Command Ceremony is rooted in military history, dating back to the 18th century during the reign of King Federick, the Great of Prussia. During this time, organizational flags were developed with color arrangements and symbols unique to the particolar military unit. When a Change of Command took place, the outgoing commander would pass the flag to the incoming commander. This gesture was accomplished in front of the unit so that all could see and witness their new leader assuming command. The person who controlled the flag also controlled the soldiers and their allegiance. During battle, commanders, with the flag at their side, would choose a place on high ground from which to observe and control the combat situation. The flag served as a visible position for the troops to re-group or rally around during retrteats or victory. The now symbolic tradition of passing the guidon has survived through military history and remains the key event of this military ceremony.