555th Fighter Squadron Change of Command 18 June 2024 Aviano Air Base
555th Fighter Squadron “Triple Nickel” Change of Command
The 555th Fighter Squadron Change of Command Ceremony took place at hangar 1 in Aviano AB, Tuesday June 18, 2024. Lieutenant Colonel Rolf D. Tellefsen relinquished command to Colonel William D. Lutmer, 31st Operations Group Commander, who passed the guidon of the 555th Fighter Squadron “Triple Nickel” to Lieutenant Colonel Eric D. Kitaif. Before this command, Lieutenant Colonel Kitaif served as 555th Fighter Squadron’s Director of Operations. He was responsible for unit execution and pilot combat mission readiness to provide support of U.S. Air Forces in Europe, U.S. Air Forces Africa and NATO Alliance member nations. He entered the United States Air Force in 2009 through the U. S. Air Force Academy. He graduated from United States Air Force Weapons School in 2016 and returned as instructor from 2017 to 2021. He served as Chief of Weapons and Tactics, 8th Fighter Wing, Republic of Korea and as Director of Operations , 57th Operations Support Squadrons, Nellis AFB, Nevada.
Lieutenant Colonel Kitaif has flown combat missions in support of Operations ENDURING FREEDOM, FREEDOM SENTINEL, INHERENT RESOLVE and SPARTAN SHIELD. He also served as Evaluator and Instructor Pilot in the F-16.
Renzo Del Bianco Photos by Pietro Borsato / AAFG
Cambio di Comando al 555th Fighter Squadron “Triple Nickel”
La Cerimonia di Cambio di Comando al 555th Fighter Squadron ha avuto luogo presso l’hangar 1 della base aerea di Aviano, martedì 18 giugno 2024. Il Tenente Colonnello Rolf D. Tellefsen ha rimesso il commando dello squadrone al Colonnello William D. Lutmer, Comandante del 31st Operations Group, che ha succesivamente consegnato la guida del 555th Fighter Squadron “Triple Nickel” al Tenente Colonnello Eric D. Kitaif. Prima di questo comando, il Tenente Colonnello Kitaif ricopriva la funzione di Direttore alle Operazioni del 555th Fighter Squadron “Triple Nickel. In precedenza è stato responsabile della unità esecutiva e della prontezza alle missioni di combattimento finalizzate nel fornire supporto a U.S. Air Forces in Europe, U.S. Air Forces Africa and nazioni membri della Alleanza NATO. E’ entrato nella U. S. Air Force nel 2009 attraverso il corso in Accademia Aeronautica. Nel 2016 ha conseguito il diploma presso la United States Air Force Weapons School, svolgendo successivamente attività di istruttore dal 2017 al 2021. Ha servito come Chief of Weapons and Tactics, 8th Fighter Wing, Republic of Korea e come Director of Operations , 57th Operations Support Squadrons, Nellis AFB, Nevada. Il Tenente Colonnello Kitaif ha volato mission di combattimento in supporto alle operazioni ENDURING FREEDOM, FREEDOM SENTINEL, INHERENT RESOLVE and SPARTAN SHIELD. Ha anche servito come pilota valutatore ed istruttore negli F-16.
Renzo Del Bianco Photo di Pietro Borsato / AAFG